Price Watch Glossary

Paweł Updated by Paweł

Here's a list of elements you can use to compare your products. Additionally, we've prepared a definition for each of them to explain what they actually mean in Price Watch.


Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is an identifier for trade items. It lets us identify individual products and compare them to identical ones sold by other sellers.


Any other seller of the products in your feed.

Cheapest Competitor

Other seller of the product in your feed, offering it with the lowest price.

Closest Cheaper Competitor

Other seller of the product in your feed, offering it with the price only a bit lower than yours.

Suggested Price

The price at which the position of your product offer will increase a lot.

No. Of Offers

The number of offers available for the given product.

2nd Cheapest Competitor Name

Name of the second competitor from the bottom in terms of price of the product.

No. Of Offers Above

In the ranking of Google Shopping, the number of competitors with a better result. That is higher than your product on the results page.

No. Of Offers Below

In the ranking of Google Shopping, the number of competitors with a worse result. That is lower than your product on the results page.

No. Of Offers Equal

In the ranking of Google Shopping, the number of competitors with a result that is same as yours. That is in the same place as your product on the results page.

Google Offer Position

The position of your product in the list of all product offers.

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