Facebook: Merging Product Variants

Paweł Updated by Paweł

To advertise only one product version, you may want to merge your product variants. To do this, you need to choose what values should your final product have.

We will combine most fields automatically, but there may be some for which the decision is yours. The merging options are:

list all values

It will include all the values from product variants in one field.

Example: many colors (blue, yellow) in one color field.

take the common part

It will include only the part that is repeated.

Example: product name, without colors or sizes.

take the value of the first variant

It will include only the value from product variant.

For example: blue (color of first variant).

take the lowest value

It will include the lowest value found among variants

For example: price of the cheapest variant.

sum up all values

It will include sum of specific values assigned to each variant.

For example: sum of quantities of all variants.

take the highest value

It will include the highest value found among variants

For example: price of the most expensive variant.

In DataFeedWatch, product variants are recognized based on item_group_id rule created in your shop's Internal Fields. This item_group_id field will be the product ID, unless a product has no variants.
To merge product variants in your Facebook feed:
  1. In DataFeedWatch, go to your shop
  2. Select your Facebook Product Ads channel
  3. In the Mapping page, click Merge Product Variants tab
  4. Select one of the merging options for each field
  5. Click Save and Finish

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