Adding Magento 2

Ewa Kulik Updated by Ewa Kulik

This procedure applies to Magento 2 and later versions and Adobe Commerce.

For now, only Shop Owner can add a Magento 2 shop to DataFeedWatch. Alternatively, you can try adding the Shop Owner as a User in DataFeedWatch and ask to follow the instructions below.
Are you getting a 401 error when trying to open the DataFeedWatch App in Magento Dashboard?

It may happen because you haven’t allowed OAuth Access Tokens.

To fix the problem:
1. Navigate to Stores in your Magento admin panel.
2. Go to Configuration.
3. Navigate to Services.
4. Click on OAuth.
5. Direct to Consumer Settings.
6. Select Yes to allow OAuth Access Tokens.
7. Click on Save Config.

To install your Magento Shop: 

If you use Magento 2.4.4 and later versions, follow this instruction from the beginning. Whereas, if you're a user of Magento versions 2.0- 2.4.3, go directly to step 2 Install DataFeedWatch Connector for Magento 2.

  1. Log in to your Magento Shop's Admin Panel
    1. On the left-hand panel, go to Stores.
    2. Once the menu slides out, go to Configuration.
    3. On the Configuration panel, navigate to Services.
    4. Click on OAuth.
    5. Direct to Consumer Settings.
    6. Select Yes to Allow OAuth Access Tokens to be used as standalone Bearer tokens.
    7. Click on Save Config at the top-right corner.

This permission is necessary to enable the seamless work of our DataFeedwatch App on your store. 

  1. Install DataFeedWatch Connector for Magento 2.
  2. Finish configuration.
    1. Open Your Magento Shop’s Admin Panel.
    2. Go to Stores.
    3. Navigate to DataFeedWatch.
    4. Open General.
    5. Go to your DataFeedWatch by clicking on Open
    6. You’ll be redirected to your DataFeedWatch dashboard.

Now you can set up your Magento Shop within DataFeedWatch App:

  1. Enter a name for your shop (use any name you like)
  2. Check if Magento 2 is chosen in the Shopping Carts section
  3. Check your shop's address
  4. Select the product types you'd like us to get
  5. Click Next Tab

  1. In Updates Schedule tab:
    1. From the first drop-down, select your timezone
    2. Use Add Another Update button, to add more than one daily update times
      If you need downloads above your plan—you'll easily add them after you add this shop, in Shop Settings. (Feature not available in Shop Plan.)
  2. To continue to Internal Fields tab, click Next Tab
    1. For each field on the left, select a main mapping type from the first drop-down
      You can just check and accept our suggestions where available.
    2. From the second dropdown, choose one of the attributes from your shop
      If you'd like to change and optimize your product attributes, try using also our IF Conditions and Edit Values options.
  3. To create a shop, click Finish

Hey! Quick reminder: don’t hesitate to drop us a line anytime you need assistance! We’ll be more than happy to help you 💙.

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