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Using Price Watch Dashboard

Ewa Kulik Updated by Ewa Kulik

Using Price Watch Dashboard

On the Price Watch dashboard, you can find all the data that we have pulled from the comparison updates. It offers extensive options of filters and searches to help you find important information about your competitors on the fly.

To get to Price Watch’s dashboard: 

  1. Log in to DataFeedWatch.
  2.  Go to the shop for which you have activated Price Watch.
  3. Head to the left-hand navigation.
  4. On the left-hand navigation, find Price Watch.
  5. You will find yourself on the Price Watch’s Dashboard.


  1. Search Bar.
  2. The results of the Comparison Updates. 
  3. The results' filters.
  4. The product status.
  5. Download data. 
  6. The information about the last update. 
The sub-account users can see the dashboard in the View-Only Mode

It means they can consult the data and use the dashboard fully, but they can not set up the Price Watch for comparison updates. In this case, it is allowed only for the main account user.

More 👉 Installing Price Watch [sub-accounts].

The search bar lets you find the specific item more quickly. You can use the basic or advanced search.

To use the basic search: 

  1. Enter the value or content you want to look for in the first input field.
  2. Click on the input field to choose which data to look for in the indicated content. 

To use the advanced search:

  1. In the Search section, choose Advanced
  2. Create the rule below to determine what you’re looking for. To do so, insert the specific value into the corresponding field. 
  3. Click Search once created.   

You can save the advanced filter for future searches by clicking Save Filter. 

How to filter out the results of the Comparison Updates. 

In other words, the results of the comparison updates are the list of compared products with the data resulting from comparison updates. 

To view the specific items or particular competitors, you can use the following options of filters:

  • Customize Columns.
  • Select competitors.
  • Price Displaying Options.

Customize Columns

Customize columns option allows you to adjust the results to your needs. That way, you can only see the most crucial data for your research.

Each column will represent the field that you’re to choose.

We have broken down the fields into Channel Fields and Price Fields. Channel Fields represent the attributes related to the channel. Meanwhile, Price Fields represent those related to the price. 

  1. Click on the Customize Columns on the left side above the products list.
  2. Select the checkbox for the field you want to display on the products list. 

You can go through all the fields on the list or use the search bar if you’re looking for the specific one.

💡On the right, you will see the fields that you’ve chosen.

Select the competitors to keep track of the particular ones.

  1. On the Price Watch Dashboard.
  2. Click Select Competitors.
  3. Check the box to select the competitors you want to monitor. Also, you can choose all of them by choosing Select All. 
  4. Click Confirm.

Select how you’d like to see the price comparison results.

You can use the option Price Displaying Options to:

  • See the price with included or excluded shipping.
  • See the price difference in Percent or Figures.   

See the status of products.

The status allows you to see if the process of comparison updates has run correctly. You can see the following statuses: 

  • All shows how many products have been processed 
  • Products with Competitors represent how many products we have found in the competitors’ data.
  • Products with No Data mean we have not found competitors selling these items.

Download data.

You can download the results to your device. At the moment, we support CSV.

The information about the last update. 

Looking at the right-hand corner, you can find out when the last updates occurred, what currency we showed you, and what channel we processed. 

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Selecting Products for Comparison Updates

Price Watch Glossary
