UPI Missing Error in Feed Review

Paweł Updated by Paweł

Problem: UPI missing

Product Status: With Warnings 😐

This means that UPIs (Unique Product Identifiers) are not present in your feed. At least for some of the products.

The issue will appear for Identifier Exists field is mapped with True. This is because Google now requires as many as three identifiers: brand, gtin, and mpn.

According to Google specification, for feeds with any of the UPIs missing, the performance of your campaigns may be lower.


  1. Check Show Feed to find for which products the fields are empty and why
  2. Check the Mapping section for mapping errors​
  3. Create IF rules to collect values from other field if the field is empty (optional)
  4. Or include the missing information in a CSV file, and use Edit Values > Replace multiple values option (optional)

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