Input field or internal field? What is the difference?

Ewa Kulik Updated by Ewa Kulik

In DataFeedWatch, when you start mapping, you will come across two types of fields: Internal fields and Input fields. 

The main difference between the Input field and the Internal field is that the input field represents the values that come directly from your shop’s source feed.

For example, a title is one of the attributes in your source feed, so in DataFeedWatch, you will find this attribute as an input field, under the same name: title, with the shopping cart symbol next to it. 

Every time you create your mapping using the input fields, the created rule will be applied only to the feed you are just mapping.

If you want to reuse this mapped rule in the future for another channel, you will need to upload the source feed again and get back to mapping the same rule again. 

However, there is a way to shorten this process, and they are the internal fields. An internal field is a single rule you can create and save in the library of the Internal Fields.  

In comparison to the input field, you can use this rule for other feeds and channels in your account.

In other words, instead of creating a feed for every channel, you can now create a single feed for all your channels.

Instead of mapping your output feeds directly from your source feed and uploading them again, you map them directly from the internal fields 🚀.

To learn how to create the internal fields go to 👉 Saving Rules as Internal Fields.

 Meanwhile, if you want to learn how to copy them across other channels, refer to 👉 Copying Single Internal Field

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