Copying Single Internal Field

Paweł Updated by Paweł

You can use this option to copy an Internal Field with complex rules:

- to your other shops,

- or to save it as a new field in the same shop.

You can use this also to copy fields across channels in different shops. To do this, copy an existing rule from a channel to your shop's Internal Fields, and then copy the Internal Fields between shops.

To copy single Internal Field, follow the steps below:
Make sure you've saved your Internal Fields mapping before copying.
  1. In DataFeedWatch, click on your shop's name
  2. In the Internal Fields page, move the mouse over a field, and click Copy Internal Field
  3. Enter the name of your new field
    If the name is already used, we'll overwrite it in other shops.
  4. Check the box next to shops you want us to copy this field to
  5. To copy this field, click Confirm
  6. Make sure you'd like to proceed, and confirm your selection with Yes
  7. After it is copied, confirm with OK
    Your new field should appear in Internal Fields of the selected shops. You can start using it in your channels there.

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