401 Unauthorized

DataFeedWatch Updated by DataFeedWatch

What can you do to solve the 401 Unauthorized error?

There is more than one possible reason for that.

Password-protected source feed URL
  1. In the Options column next to your shop, select Edit Shop
  2. Check or paste your Feed URL
  3. Tick the box next to My feed requires login and password and provide the credentials
  4. If you have already done it, please check the credentials (optional)
  1. Click Update Shop
  2. To try again and start a new download, in the Options column, click Import Input Feed from Shop

If the download fails again, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Your server blocking our IP address
  1. Please ask your server’s administrator to whitelist our IP-numbers:
  1. To try again and start a new download, in the Options column, click Import Input Feed from Shop

If the download fails again, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Did this article help you solve the problem?

404 Not Found

Empty Feed
