Using Feed-Based Text Ads

Feed-Based Text Ads: Signing Up for Google Text Ads

To sign up for Feed-Based Text Ads, follow the steps below: In DataFeedWatch, go to Shops , and choose your Shop. From the left menu, select Feed-Based Text Ads.. Click Sign up for a FREE Trial. Choo…

Updated by Paweł

Feed-Based Text Ads: Setting Up a Google Text Ads Feed

To set up your Feed-Based Text Ads, follow the steps below. Create a Text Ads Feed. In Google Text Ads , click Feeds. Name your feed (optional). Click Add a Text Ad Feed.. Map fields in your feed. In…

Updated by Paweł

Feed-Based Text Ads: Connecting Your Google Ads Account

To connect your Feed-Based Text Ads Account , follow the steps below: Select Campaigns from the side bar and connect your Google account. Allow access.

Updated by Paweł

Feed-Based Text Ads: Creating Campaigns (Product Campaign)

To create a Product Campaign , follow the steps below: Click Create New > Product ads. Product Campaign creates an adgroup for every unique product. Each adgroup will therefore have keywords and text…

Updated by Paweł

Feed-Based Text Ads: Creating Brand and Product Type Campaigns (BPT)

BPT campaigns allow you to advertise a group of products based on their brand ( adidas ) & product type ( football shoes ). BPT campaigns also use other information from the feed to cover more search…

Updated by Paweł

Feed-Based Text Ads: Creating Group Campaigns and DSA Campaigns

To cover ALL the search queries , create Group, DSA and BPT campaign for the same products:. Create a Group Campaign. The Group Campaign will cover the generic search terms. A separate ad group is cr…

Updated by Paweł

Feed-Based Text Ads: Creating Landing Page Campaigns

If you have created your own, SEO-optimized landing pages for certain groups of products (brands, product types, etc) you can use them in Google Text Ads as well. To create your Landing Page Campaign…

Updated by Paweł

Feed-Based Text Ads: Bad words

Bad words are words that Google does not accept as keyword or in your text ads. There are 3 type of bad words: Trademarks. Pharmacy policy. Other bad words. Google will disapprove these ads or keywor…

Updated by Paweł

Feed-Based Text Ads: Best Practices

Best Practices. Why using parent products is better than Variants? If you sell apparels (or other products with variants) it is better to advertise the parent product - not the variant. Example: Ther…

Updated by Paweł
