Internal Fields (Library)

Internal Fields Overview

Internal Fields? It's a library with the most common rules—rules that every shop must have. After you've created a shop, the second step is to map at least the required Internal Fields , by creating…

Updated by Paweł

Creating Internal Fields

To prepare the Internal Fields for a given shop, follow the steps below: In DataFeedWatch, click on your shop's name. From the menu on the left select Internal Fields , and scroll down to find the fi…

Updated by Paweł

Using Internal Fields in Channel Mappings

By default we recommend you using Internal Fields when preparing your channel mapping. But when you customize and adjust products for the specific market and channel, make sure you know how you can d…

Updated by Paweł

Copying All Internal Fields between Shops

You can use this option to benefit from the Internal Fields previously configured for another shop with just two clicks. But please note that this functionality works best if the shop source is the s…

Updated by Paweł

Creating New Custom Internal Fields

Log in to DataFeedWatch. Click Shops icon, and then your shop's name. In the left panel, click Internal Fields. To create new custom Internal Field, click Add internal field button at the bottom of t…

Updated by DataFeedWatch

Saving Rules as Internal Fields

If you come up with a more or less complex mapping of a given field, in the Map Fields tab—you can simply save it. It will be stored in Internal Fields , available to use in each channel. To create I…

Updated by Paweł

Input field or internal field? What is the difference?

In DataFeedWatch, when you start mapping, you will come across two types of fields: Internal fields and Input fields. The main difference between the Input field and the Internal field is that the in…

Ewa Kulik
Updated by Ewa Kulik

Copying Single Internal Field

You can use this option to copy an Internal Field with complex rules: - to your other shops , - or to save it as a new field in the same shop. Workaround! You can use this also to copy fields across…

Updated by Paweł
